
Haskins Charitable Fund

We are looking for your nominations for The Haskins Charitable Fund.

The Haskins Charitable Fund was established in 2018 by the Haskins Family in conjunction with the business. The main aim of the Fund is to support charities that operate within the local communities surrounding our Garden Centres, and to enhance what the centres are already doing in terms of giving back. With the acquisition of Birdworld in 2020, the fund expanded its support to National charities that are involved with bird conservation.

The Fund works on a grant structure, whereby colleagues can put forward applications for grants for charities that meet the criteria. These can either be on a one-off basis or spread out over a specified period of time. The Fund welcomes and encourages the involvement of Haskins and Birdworld colleagues in putting forward applications for grants. Applications can be made anytime throughout the year.

Eligibility requirements:

Before completing the application form, please ensure that the grant request meets the following requirements:

  1. UK charities located within a 15 mile (25km) catchment area of one of our garden centres / Birdworld or a national charity that is running a local project within a 15 mile radius of one of the centres that:
    • Help or benefit vulnerable children and their families
    • Support hospices and charities that provide respite care 

    • Support horticultural and environmental projects and initiatives
  2. UK charities with conservation initiatives for the benefit of birds and their natural habitats. 

The Charity must have been in operation for at least 1 year and be able to prove it is well governed with sound financial information.
Please include a copy of the annual accounts with your application, (this can be uploaded at the end of this form).

The total grant money being requested must be between £3,000 and £15,000 in the form of either a one-off donation or spread out over a specified period of time.

If a charity has a successful grant application they will only be allowed to re-apply for a new grant after a 3 year time period.  If a charity has an unsuccessful grant application they may apply for a new grant after a 6 month time period as long as the application was denied for reasons other than the Charity not meeting the Fund’s giving requirements. Following a successful application, colleagues must wait for at least 12 months before submitting another application.

How to apply:

  1. For online applications, please complete the form below.
  2. For applications by post, we have provided a PDF form for you to print and complete. Once complete please post to Haskins Charitable Fund, Haskins Head Office, Longham, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9DJ.
  3. For applications by email, please save the PDF formto your computer. Using Acrobat Reader (available here) you will be able to complete the form on your computer and submit using the ‘Send form’ button shown at the end of the form.

Remember to include any supporting documentation and a copy of the annual accounts with your application.

Charitable Fund Grant Online Application Form

    Applicant information (Haskins/Birdworld Colleague)



    Select centre:

    Email address


    Relationship and length of involvement with charity

    Charity information

    Charity name

    Charity address (office)

    Charity telephone number

    Location of proposed project

    Registered Charity no

    Name of Lead Trustee / Chairman

    Date Charity established

    Charity website address

    Please provide a brief introduction to the Charity including who it is supporting, its goals and values

    Charity contact information

    Please provide contact information (name, address, email) for our lead contact at the charity

    Contact name

    Contact address

    Contact email

    Charity project information

    Please provide details of the amount of money being requested for the grant and how this will be broken down. If it is part of a larger project please include the overall cost of the project, and specify if any other grant applications have been submitted for this particular project:

    Please provide details of the project including who it will benefit and how:

    Please outline any previous support or grants the Charity has received from Haskins/Birdworld and how it was used by the Charity:

    It is important to our Grant Giving Committee to ensure that we receive feedback on how the grant money is being used so that we can be most effective in the running of the Fund. Please give an overview of how you will feed back the results of the grant money to us:

    Please provide any deadlines for when the Charity will require the grant money by:

    Would it be helpful if a committee member visited the Charity to get a clearer picture of how and where the money is being used?

    If the grant is successful it is possible that we may want to use the information for the purpose of PR & publicity. Images and information would be used for the purpose of:

      Local, regional and national PR Marketing materials Social media channels

    I am happy to consent to photography and information being used for the purpose of PR, publicity & social media in relation to the Haskins Charitable Fund grant.

    Haskins Garden Centres Ltd is committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation and we understand the importance of keeping your personal data safe, private and secure. No information collected by us will be sold, rented or loaned to any third parties or companies. For more information explaining how we store and manage data, and how you can unsubscribe from our services, please see our full Privacy Notice at Click here (Opens in new window) ​

    Please provide any additional information you wish to include here and feel free to attach any supporting documents to your email or post to the address below:

    Colleague Declaration

    By ticking this box you are agreeing to the following terms:
    I hereby declare that the information that has been provided on this application form is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge:


    If you have any additional document to submit, please select here: (file size is limited to 1mb and only the file types .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx and .odt are permitted)

    The application will be considered by the Grant Giving Committee and we will aim to get back to you within 4 weeks of the application being received.

    Please ensure you've ticked the declaration box within this form before submitting your application.