Making a well-deserved return in popularity and with a wide range of forms, Dahlias are excellent for keeping the colour going throughout the summer.

There's a Dahlia for every situation from summer borders, patio containers, bedding schemes and cut flowers. With the many recent introductions, they offer a wide range of flower types, often with very showy, double forms in warm vibrant colours.
Dahlias are easy to grow but do need winter protection in most parts of the UK. They are tolerant of a wide range of soil types but best planted in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun.
The larger varieties benefit from added support and pinching out of shoots to promote bushiness. Keep well-watered and once flowers appear, feed with a high potash liquid feed every two weeks from July to early September and regularly dead head to keep to show going!
- Prefers a sunny position in a free draining soil
- Keep well-watered and feed with a high potash feed
- Regularly remove tired flowers to prolong flowering