
Poinsettia, the Christmas Star!


Haskins Poinsettias have been grown slowly, in cool conditions, to ensure maximum strength and longevity of the plant. Once home, keep the plant in a well-lit spot away from draughts and keep reasonably warm.

A colourful and traditional Christmas flower, ideal as a gift or to decorate your home. Our superior quality Poinsettias are strong and bushy with long lasting colour. Most of our Poinsettias are specially grown for Haskins in the South of England.


Secrets of success

Poinsettias like average indoor warmth, and require a minimum 13°C (55-60°F) during the flowering season. They do not like draughts or cold winds (take care to ensure the poinsettia is wrapped if taken outside, even en route to the car from the Garden Centre).

Maximum light is required during the winter when the plant is in flower.

Water thoroughly, wait until compost is moderately dry before watering again. Water immediately if leaves begin to wilt.

Air Humidity:
Mist leaves frequently during flowering season.

Flowering time:
In optimum conditions, the poinsettia will flower until March, an average flowering time is 1-2 months.


Do’s and Don’ts

  • DO place your plant in indirect sunlight for at least six hours per day.
  • DO provide a minimum room temperature of 13°C. Generally speaking, if you are comfortable, so is your poinsettia.
  • DO water your plant when the soil feels dry to the touch.
  • DO during blooming, use a specialised Poinsettia feed or low nitrogen / high potassium feed such as Tomorite.
  • DO fertilize your plant after the blooming season with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer.
  • DON’T place plants near cold drafts or excessive heat. Avoid placing plants near appliances, fireplaces or ventilating ducts.
  • DON’T overwater your plant, or allow it to sit in standing water. Always remove a plant from any decorative container before watering, and allow the water to drain completely.
Did you know?…
Bracts: the coloured (usually red) portions of the plant
Flowers: the little yellow or green bead like clusters in the centre of the bright red leaves

‘Made easy’ guides

Download and keep our handy 'Made easy' leaflets. You can also pick up copies in centre.


More information

For more information on Poinsettias, download our dedicated guide.