Known for their colourful leathery leaves, Crotons can make excellent houseplants that provide structure and interest to living spaces.

Crotons are an easy-to-grow houseplant known for their colourful, variegated foliage. They originate from the exotic tropical rainforests of southeast Asia, where they can grow into large shrubs up to 3 metres tall. With the UK’s lower temperatures and light levels, they are more compact, making them ideal for living spaces.
They especially thrive in bright, natural light and work well in south, east, or west facing rooms. These locations will produce new colourful leaves easily, whilst darker rooms will produce less colourful leaves.
For the best display, maintain a warm, draft-free environment above 16°C, with moist soil and humid air. Dry air, cold draughts or dry soil can cause croton leaves to fall off, so these are good indicators if the plant isn’t performing well.
During the active growing season, give them a regular, liberal watering with tepid water, and apply a balanced houseplant feed fortnightly. They will also enjoy a weekly misting. Reduce the watering as the seasons move into autumn, down to sparingly over the winter period.
- Grow in a bright, warm room away from direct sunlight
- Water liberally and feed regularly in the active growing season
- Mist the leaves weekly and wash them monthly
Note: All parts of this plant are poisonous, especially the seeds, so it is not recommended for use in homes with curious pets or children. Like euphorbias, crotons produce a milky sap when damaged that can be irritating to the skin so it’s best to locate the plant away from regular foot traffic.

More information
For more information on other houseplants that are suitable for your home, including those that are pet safe, refer to our handy leaflet here.