Haskins Gender Pay Gap Reporting


Last updated: 05/10/21

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This report set out the Gender Pay Gap reporting as required by The Equality Act 2010.

It is important to note that the Gender Pay Gap is different from equal pay. Equal pay refers to men and women receiving equal pay for the same jobs or similar jobs of equal value.

The Gender Pay Gap shows the difference between the average hourly earnings of men and women across a company regardless of their roles. The outcomes can be affected by a range of factors including ratio of men to women in the workforce and the number of full time versus part time men and women.

Introduction to Haskins

Haskins is a family owned group of 5 garden centres, a trade plant centre and a visitor attraction called Birdworld, all based in the south of England.

The Haskins culture positively encourages diversity within the business and believes in creating job opportunities and job progression for everyone regardless of gender.

  • On the 5th April 2020, we employed 823 employees with a split of 62% females and 38% males.
  • We had 5 board members, 20% were female
  • Our senior team in Head Office totalled 7, 29% were female
  • The garden centres and visitor attraction management teams totalled 43, 40% were females.

Due to the COVID-19 national lockdown measures that came into place in March 2020, all of our garden centres and the visitor attraction were forced to close and so the majority of staff were placed on furlough. This means, that in line with the reporting guidelines for Gender Pay Gap, the number of employees included in our calculations is only 62 out of 823. Of these 62 employees, 56% were male and 44% were female.

Our calculations are from data taken on 5th April 2020 and are considered to be accurate. These are as follows:

Mean Gender Pay Gap = 36.4%
Median Gender Pay Gap = 44.7%

Pay quartile MaleFemale
Upper quartile73.3%26.7%
Upper middle quartile87.5%12.5%
Lower middle quartile46.7%53.3%
Lower quartile18.8%81.3%

Mean Bonus Gap = 52.2%
Median Bonus Gap = 59.0%
Proportion of male employees who received a bonus = 8.9%
Proportion of female employees who received a bonus = 6.3%


Over of 92% of our staff were furloughed as a result of the enforced closures of all of our sites due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We feel that this has negatively impacted our results for 2020 and that they are not a true reflection of gender pay gap within Haskins.

We have re-run the calculations to include furloughed employees to give a truer reflection. Any employees who were paid less than their usual basic pay due to leave such as sickness or paternity leave are still excluded from the calculations as per the reporting guidelines as set out under the guidelines.

The new calculations are based on 713 employees. This is a split of 39% males and 61% females.

Mean Gender Pay Gap = 17.4%
Median Gender Pay Gap = 0.0%

Pay quartile MaleFemale
Upper quartile52.2%47.8%
Upper middle quartile29.8%70.2%
Lower middle quartile34.8%65.2%
Lower quartile38.5%61.5%

Mean Bonus Gap = 52.2%
Median Bonus Gap = 59.0%
Proportion of male employees who received a bonus = 8.9%
Proportion of female employees who received a bonus = 6.3%


The table below shows the reportable figures for April 2020 excluding furloughed employees and the same calculations but including furloughed employees. It also shows the gender pay gap results for 2017 and 2018 for comparative purposes.

MeasureApril 2020 excluding Furloughed EmployeesApril 2020 including Furloughed EmployeesApr-2018Apr-2017
Mean Gender Pay Gap36.40%17.40%11.30%15.30%
Number of employees based on62713
Number of males35277
Percent of males56%39%
Number of females27436
Percent of females44%61%
Median Gender Pay Gap:44.70%0.00%0.00%0.00%
Number of employees based on62713
Number of males35277
Percent of males56%39%
Number of females27436
Percent of females44%61%
Quartile Pay Bands:MaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemale
Upper Quartile73.30%26.70%52.20%47.80%50.00%50.00%47.60%52.40%
Upper Middle Quartile87.50%12.50%29.80%70.20%48.40%51.60%35.20%64.80%
Lower Middle Quartile46.70%53.30%34.80%65.20%25.30%74.70%44.10%55.90%
Lower Quartile18.80%81.30%38.50%61.50%44.50%55.50%37.70%62.30%
Mean Bonus Gap52.20%52.20%42.40%23.80%
Number of employees rec. bonus6060
Number of males2828
Number of females3232
Median Bonus Gap59.00%59.00%0.00%0.00%
Number of employees rec. bonus6060
Number of males2828
Number of females3232
Proportion of Males Receiving a Bonus8.90%8.90%3.70%4.20%
Proportion of Females Receiving a Bonus6.30%6.30%3.30%3.20%

Next steps

From the re-worked calculations including furloughed staff, we can see that our Gender Pay Gap has increased on previous years. In early 2020 we purchased DEH Ltd which consists of Forest Lodge Garden Centre, Garden Style and Birdworld. This has increased our head count to over 800 employees.

We are satisfied that with our current practices, we are fair and equitable in regards to pay and opportunities for progression. We are committed to selecting the right person for the job through a fair and balanced recruitment process.

We will continue to ensure that merit alone determines who our future leaders are and we continue to embed our personal development and performance management program into the culture of our business and to support individuals to achieve their potential and career aspirations. 

We are recruiting for a Head of Human Resources which will be a more senior role, than held previously, to reflect the growing size and complexity of the Haskins Group.


Julian Winfield
Chief Executive
Haskins Garden Centre

We confirm that the data reported is accurate in accordance with the Equality Act 2020 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.  Haskins Garden Centres Ltd is required to carry out Gender Pay Gap reporting.

Previous versions

View previous versions of our Haskins Gender Pay Reporting document:

2019 version
2017 version