
Bromeliads make excellent houseplants with their vivid colours, unique shapes, and low maintenance.


Originating from the rainforests of central America, the colourful flowering heads of Bromeliads can add an exotic accent to any room, making them ideal houseplants. They especially thrive in bright natural light and work well in an east or west facing room, if positioned away from direct sunlight.

All bromeliads get their nutrients from the debris that falls onto them. The roots are just to anchor them onto whatever they are growing on, such as trees or rocks. They don't really need feeding but if yours is looking like it needs a 'pick me up', try spraying an orchid food diluted to half-strength onto the foliage and the surface of the growing medium.

The leaves of these plants also form a central ‘vase’ in which they would naturally collect water. Keep this ‘vase’ about a quarter full and flush it out with fresh water every 1-2 months. A good tip is to let this go dry for a few days before refilling.

If you have hard water, consider using purified or rainwater, and only water the compost once it has fully dried out.

  • Grow in a bright room away from direct sunlight
  • Keep the central vase a quarter full with purified or rain water and change every couple of months
  • Occasionally apply a half-strength orchid feed as a tonic
  • Rarely needs repotting

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More information

For more information on other houseplants that are suitable for your home, refer to our handy leaflet here.