Sow this March
Sunflower American Giant F1
- This sunflower can only be described as huge!
- American Giant is a giant among giants, growing up to 5m
- Great in borders, used for hedging and definitely the one to grow to win competitions
Did you know...
It has a strong sturdy stem which means it requires no support and easy to grow.
Sunflower Giant
- Nothing beats the simple beauty of a tall sunflower
- Flowers up to 4m or more
- Loved by adults and children.
Did you know...
In Autumn, the attractive seed heads are great for providing wild birds with a treat..
Beetroot Boltardy
- Unwin’s most popular beetroot!
- Can be sown early in the year right through to mid summer
- Yields perfect, globe shaped beets of superb flavour and colour.
Did you know...
Its flesh is usually free of unsightly rings.
Beetroot Cardeal
- Cardeal has been specifically bred for producing baby beetroot
- Excellent globe shape with a refined tap root and has very healthy erect foliage with partial resistance to downy mildew
- Quick to crop producing high yields.
Did you know...
This variety is extremely sweet with the highest sugar content of any beetroot.